
Friday, May 8, 2020

VE day

Victory in Europe day is the day that Germany surrendered in world war 2. My great grandparents fought in the war. The anniversary is still celebrated today.  I'm going to update this when I have more info about the war and pictures of my grandparents wearing their uniforms.


  1. Zach,
    You are becoming a fantastic blogger. I love that you have done a brief post to explain your learning... but have also stated what you would like to include when you come back and update it.
    It's 75 years, this year, since the end of WW2. There aren't many service-people left from that time. A pilot from WW2, who lives here in Christchurch, just celebrated his 100th birthday in the weekend. Imagine turning 100! I wonder what things you will see in your life time if you lived to be 100?
