
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Xeptoreptus [my monster hunter monster]

 Xeporeptus is an elder dragon that rules unknown lands. It is the leader of the rampage and is also hiding in every rampage quest. Its cutscene is it roars and the wooden wall blows up. The anjanath, arzuros and an almudron come in with it. You use your wirebug to escape and then it kills the almadron and eats the anjanath. The azuros gets blasted in the back of the head and it looks towards you. Then it walks away and then you talk to the elder and he doesn’t know what it is. Xeptoreptus also is found in several maps. It can be found in every area. It has loads of turf wars with every monster. It has one with tetranadon and what it does is tetranadon throws a rock at Xeptoreptus and Xeptoreptus would jump over the rock and the tetranadon and it grabs tetranadon and throw it behind itself. The magnamalo turf war is magnamalo uses its tail spiral move and before Xeptoreptus gets it uses its horns to grab magnamalo and throws it across the bit near the swamp bit and the shallow bit. It uses fire and dragon blights. It is really hard as the first time you fight it you are in the rampage. Its an urgent quest and that puts you on the last of the G-rank ones. You have to fight it again in the shrine ruins and chameleos is also on the map. Basilguize is the other one that is in the quest and you have to fight Xeptoreptus. Xeptoreptus’s attacks are monstrous because one of them is it charges up for a beam for five seconds and then does a big blast and then it also deals dragon and fire blights in the process. There's another one that it uses its tail (which is like a bowl) it holds it up and sucks the element you deal to it while it has its tail up. Then it blasts it all back at you and you take so much knockback damage you go on the wall normally. It has a lot more attacks than I said. It can also make claw marks in terrain and it launches off the walls, floor and even other monsters. It sleeps quite close to where rajang does. It jumps on to the taller rock and then sleeps. Never try to trap it either, because it will throw the trap back at you, and you will get the effect of it. I've always wanted to see a hunter in a pitfall trap! It also doesn’t like ice or thunder. It would beat narwa and ibushi together if they were together. It would grab ibushi and bash it into narwa and do loads of damage. It would also grab them both again and then charge up for a big blast and let go of them and the blast would set them flying. It would only have draws with gore magala and shagaru magala. 

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